
聚点 & 音乐学院

考虑到保利? 我们很高兴见到你!


With a wide range of opportunities to choose from, our 聚点 程序 is designed to engage 中学ers 和 give them the chance to continue learning, 建立技能, 和 have fun after school.

  • 聚点 offerings vary by grade level.
  • 浓缩 程序s in sports, 视觉艺术, 和 technology vary by trimester; registration 和 payment may be required for these offerings, 有关详细信息,请参阅门户网站 
  • 表演艺术 程序s extend from September to May; these 程序s are offered 免费 和 have a rolling registration
  • 可靠的网堵平台: In 五年级及六年级, students may register for after school sport classes offered during the fall 和 spring trimesters. 年级 7和8, sports teams 和 competitions are available to students.*
  • 中学音乐剧成绩: 6, 7, 8, auditions required, rehearsals multiple days, performance in May
一般的时间表 & 公共汽车
  • Most offerings begin at 4:00 PM.
  • All 程序s finish in time for students to catch the 6:00 PM bus. All 中学 students must be picked up by 6:00 PM or depart on the 6:00 PM bus.
  • 的re are no 聚点 activities on holidays or school closure days.

“Having the opportunity to do extracurricular activities after school, which are thematic to other 程序s at 聚, 是一个很好的机会.” 


Families can choose from a variety of engaging activities. Below is a list of sample classes in our 聚点 rotation. 访问 our family portal for Spring 2023-24 聚点 程序 offering by grades with tuition (if applicable), schedule, descriptions, 和更多的.

  • 儿童人工智能
  • 运动队*
  • 篮球
  • 创意写作
  • 跳舞
  • 初学者辩论
  • 的电子竞技
  • 时装设计
  • Journalism (Make a ‘Zine)
  • 模拟联合国
  • Multisport
  • 唱歌/人声
  • 足球
  • 壮观的茎
  • 演讲 & 辩论
  • 剧院 & 即兴表演

* Athletic 团队: 团队 和 competitions are available for Grades 7-8 only 和 sports vary by season. Students sign up directly with their coach or advisor or via the 聚点 form 和 there is no registration fee. 了解更多十大网堵平台 中学 可靠的网堵平台 在我们的家庭门户中.

聚点 壮观的茎

的re’s something for everyone. 的 聚点 程序 offers students the opportunity to 不 only study or do homework, but to also explore interests 和 try out new activities including enrichment in the arts, 可靠的网堵平台, 和学者. 阅读更多.


保利音乐学院 is our 表演艺术 after-school music lesson 程序 available to students in 成绩5 - 12, regardless of skill level. Kids may take private lessons in piano, 的声音, 长笛, 小提琴, 中提琴, 大提琴, 低音提琴, 吉他, 单簧管, 萨克斯风, 小号, 长号, 和冲击. 

对传入的 五年级 students, we offer a 程序 of free after-school 集团 instruction in 长笛, 单簧管, 萨克斯风, 小提琴, 小号, 和 长号. Group lessons are offered at no cost to the student.


  • We do 不 offer free 集团 lessons for piano, 的声音, or 吉他. Private lessons for these instruments are available.
  • 的 free 集团 lesson 程序 is available for Grades 6-12.

For more information about this music 程序, 它的老师, 学费和经济援助, registration information, 日历, 政策, 和更多的, 访问 保利音乐学院.

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